Module lousy.bind

lousy.bind library

Key, buffer and command binding functions.


lousy.bind.parse_mods (mods, remove_shift)

Parse a table of modifier keys into a string.


  • mods
    Type: table
    The table of modifier keys.
  • remove_shift
    Type: boolean
    Default: false
    Remove the shift key from the modifier table.

Return Values

  • string
    A string of key names, separated by hyphens (-).

lousy.bind.match_any (object, binds, args)

Match any 'any' bindings in a given table of bindings.

The bindings' callback functions are called in the order that they occur in the given table of bindings. If any callback function returns a value other than false, then matching stops and this function immediately returns true. Otherwise, if the callback returns false, matching continues.


  • object
    Type: any type
    An object passed through to any 'any' bindings called.
  • binds
    Type: table
    A table of bindings to search.
  • args
    Type: table
    A table of arguments passed through to any 'any' bindings called.

Return Values

  • boolean
    true if an 'any' binding was ran successfully.

lousy.bind.match_key (object, binds, mods, key, args)

Match any key binding in a given table of bindings.

The bindings' callback functions are called in the order that they occur in the given table of bindings. If any callback function returns a value other than false, then matching stops and this function immediately returns true. Otherwise, if the callback returns false, matching continues.


  • object
    Type: any type
    An object passed through to any key bindings called.
  • binds
    Type: table
    A table of bindings to search.
  • mods
    Type: string
    The string of modifier keys.
  • key
    Type: string
    The key name.
  • args
    Type: table
    A table of arguments passed through to any key bindings called.

Return Values

  • boolean
    true if a key binding was ran successfully.

lousy.bind.match_but (object, binds, mods, button, args)

Match any button binding in a given table of bindings.

The bindings' callback functions are called in the order that they occur in the given table of bindings. If any callback function returns a value other than false, then matching stops and this function immediately returns true. Otherwise, if the callback returns false, matching continues.


  • object
    Type: any type
    An object passed through to any key bindings called.
  • binds
    Type: table
    A table of bindings to search.
  • mods
    Type: string
    The table of modifier keys.
  • button
    Type: string
    The button name.
  • args
    Type: table
    A table of arguments passed through to any button bindings called.

Return Values

  • boolean
    true if a key binding was ran successfully.

lousy.bind.match_buf (object, binds, buffer, args)

Try and match a buffer binding in a given table of bindings and call that bindings callback function.


  • object
    Type: any type
    The first argument of the bind callback function.
  • binds
    Type: table
    The table of binds in which to check for a match.
  • buffer
    Type: string
    The buffer string to match.
  • args
    Type: table
    The bind options/state/metadata table which is applied over the opts table given when the bind was created.

Return Values

  • boolean
    true if a binding was matched and called.
  • boolean
    true if a partial match exists.

lousy.bind.match_cmd (object, binds, buffer, args)

Try and match a command or buffer binding in a given table of bindings and call that bindings callback function.


  • object
    Type: any type
    The first argument of the bind callback function.
  • binds
    Type: table
    The table of binds in which to check for a match.
  • buffer
    Type: string
    The buffer string to match.
  • args
    Type: table
    The bind options/state/metadata table which is applied over the opts table given when the bind was created.

Return Values

  • boolean
    true if either type of binding was matched and called.

lousy.bind.hit (object, binds, mods, key, args)

Attempt to match either a key or buffer binding and execute it. This function is also responsible for performing operations on the buffer when necessary and the buffer is enabled.

When matching key bindings, this function ignores the case of key, and uses the presence of the Shift modifier to determine which bindings should be matched.


  • object
    Type: any type
    The first argument of the bind callback function.
  • binds
    Type: table
    The table of binds in which to check for a match.
  • mods
    Type: {string}
    The modifiers to match.
  • key
    Type: string
    The key name to match.
  • args
    Type: table
    The bind options/state/metadata table which is applied over the opts table given when the bind was created.

Return Values

  • boolean
    true if a key or buffer binding was matched or if a key was added to the buffer.
  • string
    The new buffer truncated to 10 characters (if you need more buffer then use the input bar for whatever you are doing). If no buffer binding could be matched, the returned buffer will be the empty string.

lousy.bind.bind_to_string (b)

Produce a string describing the action that triggers a given binding. For example, a binding for the down-arrow key would produce "<Down>".


  • b
    Type: table
    The binding.

Return Values

  • string
    The binding description string.

lousy.bind.add_bind (binds, bind, action, opts)

Bind a trigger to an action, adding the resulting binding to an array of bindings.


  • binds
    Type: table
    The array of bindings to add the new binding to.
  • bind
    Type: string
    The trigger that will activate the action associated with this bind.
  • action
    Type: table
    The action that will be activated.
  • opts
    Type: table
    A table of bind-time options that will be passed to the action when it is activated.

lousy.bind.remove_bind (binds, bind)

Remove any binding with a specific trigger from the given array of bindings.


  • binds
    Type: table
    The array of bindings to remove the named binding from.
  • bind
    Type: string
    The trigger to unbind.

Return Values

  • table
    The associated action of the binding that was removed, or nil if not found.
  • table
    The options of the binding that was removed, or nil if not found.

lousy.bind.remap_bind (binds, new, old, keep)

Remap a binding from a given trigger to a new trigger, optionally keeping the original binding. In both cases, the new binding will have the same options as the original binding.


  • binds
    Type: table
    The array of bindings to remap within.
  • new
    Type: string
    The new trigger to map from.
  • old
    Type: string
    The existing trigger to remap.
  • keep
    Type: boolean
    Default: false
    Retain the existing binding.



Type: any type
Set of modifiers to ignore.

Type: any type
A table that contains mappings for key names.


Type: any type
A table that contains mappings for modifier names.

