Module quickmarks

Vimperator-style quickmarking

Inspired by vimperator's quickmarks feature, this module allows you to associate up to sixty-two websites with a set of easy-to-type keybindings. Users can then type a three-keystroke command to open any of these websites in the current tab, a new tab, or a new window.

Adding a new quickmark

You can mark any url by pressing M{a-zA-Z0-9}. This will save the url of the current page, creating a new shortcut or overwriting an existing one.

Every quickmark mapping is saved in the quickmarks file in the luakit data directory, and is shared between multiple luakit instances.

Jumping to a marked url

After adding a quickmark, you can open it in the current window with go{a-zA-Z0-9}, or in a new tab with gn{a-zA-Z0-9}. To list all quickmarks, run :qmarks.

Managing quickmarks

As well as using the included quickmarks manager and various commands, you can directly edit the quickmarks file in the luakit data directory.

Files and Directories

  • The quickmarks file is called quickmarks and is in the luakit data directory.


quickmarks.load (fd_name)

Load quick bookmarks from storage file into memory.


  • fd_name
    Type: string
    Bookmarks storage file path or nil to use default one. (fd_name)

Save quick bookmarks to file.


  • fd_name
    Type: string
    Bookmarks storage file path or nil to use default one.

quickmarks.get (token, load_file)

Return URI related to given key or nil if does not exist.


  • token
    Type: string
    Quick bookmarks mapping token.
  • load_file
    Type: boolean
    Call quickmark.load() before retrieving the URI.

quickmarks.get_tokens ()

Return a list of all the tokens in the quickmarks table.

quickmarks.set (token, uris, load_file, save_file)

Set new quick bookmarks mapping.


  • token
    Type: string
    The token under which given uris will be available.
  • uris
    Type: string or {string}
    List of locations to quickmark.
  • load_file
    Type: boolean
    Call quickmark.load() before adding the mapping.
  • save_file
    Type: boolean
    Call after adding the mapping.

quickmarks.del (token, load_file, save_file)

Delete a quickmark.


  • token
    Type: string
    The quickmark token.
  • load_file
    Type: boolean
    Call quickmark.load() before deletion.
  • save_file
    Type: boolean
    Call after deletion.

quickmarks.delall (save_file)

Delete all quickmarks.


  • save_file
    Type: boolean
    Call function.