Module taborder

Rules for where to put new tabs

When a new tab is opened in a window, a tab order function is called to determine where in the tab list it should be placed. window.new_tab() accepts a tab order function as parameter. If this is not sent, taborder.default is used if the new tab will be immediately switched to. Otherwise, i.e. if a background tab is opened, taborder.bgdefault is used.

A tab order function receives the current window, and the view that is being opened as parameters. In return, it gives the index at which the new tab should be put.


taborder.first ()

Tab order function: Always insert new tabs before all other tabs.

taborder.last (w)

Tab order function: Always insert new tabs after all other tabs.


  • w
    Type: table
    The current window table.

taborder.after_current (w)

Tab order function: Always insert new tabs after the current tab.


  • w
    Type: table
    The current window table.

taborder.before_current (w)

Tab order function: Always insert new tabs before the current tab.


  • w
    Type: table
    The current window table.

taborder.by_origin (w, newview)

Tab order function: Put new child tab next to the parent after unbroken chain of descendants. Logical way to use when one "queues" background-followed links.


  • w
    Type: table
    The current window table.
  • newview
    Type: widget
    The new webview widget.



Type: any type
Default tab order function: open regular tabs last.


Type: any type
Default tab order function for background tabs: open by origin.


Type: any type
Weak table to remember which tab was spawned from which parent. Note that family bonds are tied only if tabs are spawned within family rules, e.g. from by_origin. Tabs created elsewhere are orphans.

