Module select

Select a page element with a visual interface

This module allows you to change the style of hints used to hint elements for selection in follow mode, as well as other modes that use the visual hint overlay.

Using a custom character set for hint labels

To customize the characters used in hint labels, you can specify a label maker function by assigning a function to the label_maker property. This label maker function composes several label composer functions into a chain, which it returns. Then, when a hinting mode (such as follow mode) is entered, this chain of functions is called to construct the labels. The label maker function itself is only called once.

Default label maker

To see how this works in practice, let's examine the default label maker function. trim(), sort(), reverse(), and charset() are all label composer functions, and all the label maker function does is chain them together and return the result.

select.label_maker = function (s)
    return s.trim(s.sort(s.reverse(s.numbers())))

Conceptually, numbers() produces produces an array of numerical hints:

{ "01", "02", "03", "04", "05", ... , "10", "11", "12", ... }

Next, reverse() reverses each individual hint. This makes typing to match hints quicker: by moving the variation in hints from the last character to the first character, which is the first character typed when matching, we make the first character typed filter many more hints:

{ "10", "20", "30", "40", "50", ... , "01", "11", "21", ... }

Next, sort() sorts the hints. This step doesn't affect matching speed, but makes the hints shown on a page appear more orderly:

{ "01", "10", "11", "20", "21", "30", "31", "40", "41", ... }

Last, trim() will remove any unnecessary hint suffixes. For example, "01" is the only hint beginning with 0; therefore, once the user has typed 0, this is the only matchable hint, and the 1 contributes nothing:

{ "0", "10", "11", "20", "21", "30", "31", "40", "41", ... }

This is the final list of hint labels that will be used for selection.

Label composer functions

All label composer functions return a function that takes a single argument n and produces an array of n hints. The nature of the hints will vary based on the arguments provided to the composer function. For example, the function returned by charset() will use the provided set of characters to generate its hints, while the function returned by sort() will first call the label composer function passed to sort() to obtain a set of hints to sort.

Available functions

These label composer functions produce an initial generator function.

  • charset(str): Generates hints using the characters in str. Non-latin characters are supported.
  • numbers(): Generates hints using numbers. This is equivalent to calling charset() with the parameter "0123456789".
  • interleave(left, right): Similar to charset(), this generates hints that alternate between letters of the left and right strings. It is mostly useful for alternating between letters on the left and right sides of one's keyboard, as this makes hints easier to type quickly.

These label composer functions accept a single generator function, and return another function. This allows them to be chained.

  • reverse(func): Reverses the letters of each hint generated by func().
  • sort(func): Sorts the hints generated by func().
  • trim(func): Trims extra letters off the hints generated by func(). Specifically, if a prefix of any hint is not a prefix of any other hint, then the hint is shortened to that prefix.



Type: function
Function that specifies how to generate hint labels.

This function is executed on the web process, with a custom environment that provides access to the label composer functions.

