Module tests.lib

Testing interface

This module provides useful functions for use in luakit tests.


tests.lib.wait_for_view (view)

Pause test execution until a webview widget finishes loading.


  • view
    Type: widget
    The webview widget to wait on.

tests.lib.delay (timeout)

Pause test execution for a short time.


  • timeout
    Type: number
    The time to delay, in milliseconds. Defaults to 5 milliseconds.

tests.lib.wait_until (func, poll_time, timeout)

Pause test execution until a predicate returns true.

Suspends test execution, polling the provided predicate function at an interval, until the predicate returns a truthy value. If the predicate does not return a truthy value within a certain time period, the running test fails.


  • func
    Type: function
    The predicate function.
  • poll_time
    Type: number
    The interval at which to poll the predicate, in milliseconds. Defaults to 5 milliseconds.
  • timeout
    Type: number
    Maximum time to wait before failing the running test, in milliseconds. Defaults to 200 milliseconds.

tests.lib.wait_for_signal (object, signal, timeout)

Pause test execution until a particular signal is emitted on an object.

Suspends test execution until signal is emitted on object. If no such signal is emitted on object within timeout milliseconds, the running test fails.


  • object
    Type: any type
    The object to wait for signal on.
  • signal
    Type: string
    The signal to wait for.
  • timeout
    Type: number
    Maximum time to wait before failing the running test, in milliseconds. Defaults to 200 milliseconds.

tests.lib.wait (timeout)

Pause test execution indefinitely.

The running test is suspended until continue() is called. If continue() is not called within timeout milliseconds, the running test fails.


  • timeout
    Type: number
    Maximum time to wait before failing the running test, in milliseconds. Defaults to 200 milliseconds.

Return Values

  • any type
    All parameters to continue().

tests.lib.continue (...)

Continue test execution.

The running test, currently suspended after a call to wait(), is resumed. wait() must have been previously called.

All parameters to continue() are returned by wait().


  • ...
    Type: any type
    Values to return from wait().

tests.lib.http_server ()

Get the URI prefix for the test HTTP server.

The port the test server listens on may not always be the same. This function returns the current URI prefix, which looks like

Currently, however, there is no HTTP server; instead, the custom URI scheme luakit-test:// is used.

Return Values

  • string
    The URI prefix for the test HTTP server.

tests.lib.find_files (dirs, patterns, excludes)

Retrieve a subset of files in the current directory.

This function searches the directory and then filters the result according to the provided parameters and the .gitignore file. It is mostly intended for use in code style tests. The returned list of file paths includes all files that:

  • are within at least one of the directories in dirs,
  • match at least one of the Lua patterns in patterns, and
  • do not match any of the Lua patterns in excludes.


  • dirs
    Type: string or table
    The directory prefix (or list of prefixes) in which to look for files.
  • patterns
    Type: string or table
    A Lua pattern (or list of patterns) with which to filter file paths; non-matching files are removed.
  • excludes
    Type: table
    A list of Lua patterns with which to filter file paths; matching files are removed.

Return Values

  • table
    A list of matching file paths.

tests.lib.format_file_errors (entries)

Helper function to format a list of file errors.

Aligns file names and file errors into two separate columns.


  • entries
    Type: {entry}
    A list of file error entries.

    entry format

    • file: The path of the file.
    • err: The error string.

Return Values

  • string
    The formatted output string.

