Module lousy.util

lousy.util library

Utility functions for lousy.


lousy.util.escape (text)

Escape a string from XML characters.


  • text
    Type: string
    The text to escape.

Return Values

  • string
    A string with all XML characters escaped.

lousy.util.unescape (text)

Unescape a string from XML entities.


  • text
    Type: strng
    The text to un-escape.

Return Values

  • string
    A string with all the XML entities un-escaped.

lousy.util.mkdir (dir)

Create a directory.


  • dir
    Type: string
    The directory.

Return Values

  • number
    The status code returned by mkdir; 0 indicates success.

lousy.util.eval (s)

Evaluate Lua code.


  • s
    Type: string
    The string of Lua code to evaluate.

Return Values

  • any type
    The return value of Lua code.

lousy.util.checkfile (path)

Check if a file is a Lua valid file. This is done by loading the content and compiling it with loadfile().


  • path
    Type: string
    The file path.

Return Values

  • function or nil
    A function if the file was loaded successfully, and a string with the error otherwise.

lousy.util.table.difference (t, other)

Return the difference of one table against another.


  • t
    Type: table
    The original table.
  • other
    Type: table
    The table to perform the difference against.

Return Values

  • any type
    All elements in the first table that are not in the other table.

lousy.util.table.join (args)

Join all tables given as parameters. This will iterate all tables and insert all their keys into a new table.


  • args
    Type: {table}
    A list of tables to join.

Return Values

  • table
    A new table containing all keys from the arguments.

lousy.util.table.hasitem (t, item)

Check if a table has an item and return its key.


  • t
    Type: table
    The table.
  • item
    Type: any type
    The item to look for in values of the table.

Return Values

  • any type
    The key where the item is found, or nil if not found.

lousy.util.table.keys (t)

Get a sorted table with all integer keys from a table.


  • t
    Type: table
    The table for which the keys to get.

Return Values

  • table
    A table with keys.

lousy.util.table.reverse (t)

Reverse a table.


  • t
    Type: table
    The table to reverse.

Return Values

  • table
    The reversed table.

lousy.util.table.clone (t)

Clone a table.


  • t
    Type: table
    The table to clone.

Return Values

  • table
    A clone of t.

lousy.util.table.copy (t)

Clone table and set metatable.


  • t
    Type: table
    The table to clone.

Return Values

  • table
    A clone of t with t's metatable.

lousy.util.table.isclone (a, b)

Check if two tables are identical.


  • a
    Type: table
    The first table.
  • b
    Type: table
    The second table.

Return Values

  • boolean
    true if both tables are identical.

lousy.util.table.values (t)

Clone a table with all values as array items.


  • t
    Type: table
    The table to clone.

Return Values

  • table
    All values in t.

lousy.util.table.toarray (t)

Convert a table to an array by removing all keys that are not sequential numbers.


  • t
    Type: table
    The table to convert.

Return Values

  • table
    A new table with all non-number keys removed.

lousy.util.table.filter_array (t, pred)

Filters an array with a predicate function. Element indices are shifted down to fill gaps.


  • t
    Type: table
    The array to filter.
  • pred
    Type: function
    The predicate function: called with (key, value); return true to keep element, false to remove.

Return Values

  • table
    The filtered array.

lousy.util.os.exists (f)

Check if a file exists and is readable.


  • f
    Type: string
    The file path.

Return Values

  • boolean
    true if the file exists and is readable.

lousy.util.string.split (s, pattern, ret)

Python like string split (source: lua wiki).


  • s
    Type: string
    The string to split.
  • pattern
    Type: string
    The split pattern (I.e. "%s+" to split text by one or more whitespace characters).
  • ret
    Type: table
    The table to insert the split items in to or a new table if nil.

Return Values

  • table
    A table of the string split by the pattern.

lousy.util.string.prev_glyph (s, o)

Find glyph backward (used in readline.lua).


  • s
    Type: string
    The string to be searched.
  • o
    Type: number
    The starting offset to search a glyph backward.

Return Values

  • number
    string Offset and glyph if found, otherwise nil.

lousy.util.string.next_glyph (s, o)

Find glyph forward (used in readline.lua).


  • s
    Type: string
    The string to be searched.
  • o
    Type: number
    The starting offset to search a glyph forward.

Return Values

  • number
    string Offset and glyph if found, otherwise nil.

lousy.util.find_config (f)

Search and return the filepath of a file in the current working directory, the luakit configuration directory, or the system luakit configuration directory.


  • f
    Type: string
    The relative filepath.

Return Values

  • string
    The first valid filepath or an error.

lousy.util.find_data (f)

Search and return the filepath of a file in the current working directory, the luakit data directory, or the luakit installation directory.


  • f
    Type: string
    The relative filepath.

Return Values

  • string
    The first valid filepath or an error.

lousy.util.find_cache (f)

Search and return the filepath of a file in the current working directory or the luakit cache directory.


  • f
    Type: string
    The relative filepath.

Return Values

  • string
    The first valid filepath or an error.

lousy.util.find_resource (f)

Search for and return the filepath of a file in luakit's resource directories.


  • f
    Type: string
    The relative filepath.

Return Values

  • string
    The first valid filepath or an error.

lousy.util.recursive_remove (wi)

Recursively traverse widget tree and return all widgets.


  • wi
    Type: widget
    The widget.

lousy.util.ntos (num, sigs)

Convert a number to string independent from locale.


  • num
    Type: number
    A number.
  • sigs
    Type: number
    Signifigant figures (if float).

Return Values

  • string
    The string representation of the number.

lousy.util.sql_escape (s)

Escape values for SQL queries. In sqlite3: "A string constant is formed by enclosing the string in single quotes ('). A single quote within the string can be encoded by putting two single quotes in a row - as in Pascal." Read:


  • s
    Type: string
    A string.

Return Values

  • string
    The escaped string.

lousy.util.lua_escape (s)

Escape values for lua patterns.

Escapes the magic characters ^$()%.[]*+-?) by prepending a %.


  • s
    Type: string
    A string.

Return Values

  • string
    The escaped pattern.

lousy.util.get_etc_hosts (force)

Get all hostnames in /etc/hosts.


  • force
    Type: boolean
    Force re-load of /etc/hosts.

Return Values

  • {string}
    Table of all hostnames in /etc/hosts.

